Title: Star Trek Pdf Light-Up Starship Enterprise (Miniature Editions)
Author: Chip Carter
Published Date: 2014-03-25
Page: 32
The Starship Enterprise from the original Star Trek served as the home and vehicle of exploration for 430 crewmen.
Kit includes:
- Light-up 5" Starship Enterprise
- Display base
- 32-page book on the history of the U.S.S. Enterprise, with full-color photos
Lots of fun Captain's Log 12345.6 "Have entered neutral zone in response to fading distress call. Approaching listing vessel now..." Bizt, Pow, Zap Zap, Pew, Bam! And, you've failed the Kobayashi Maru, you bleeding heart! Sometimes conference calls are just... stupid. And what's better than reaching under your monitor for a few starships and tinker on an epic mission deep in the "Distraction Quadrant"?I have several starships on my desk. I got them from all types of places: some from DVDs, some are just toys like this one. None are big. My desk isn't big. I wouldn't have room for a full-scale armada and my laptop. So when I read reviews saying how small this model was, I tuned in. I didn't have a TOS Enterprise on my desk, and I wanted one.As many reviewers have mentioned, it is disappointing that this inexpensive toy doesn't actually fly. But for around $10, this newly christened member of my fleet is the cheapest, and the only one with lights. So, it's already got a gold star in my book. It sure looks like the Enterprise. I've dropped it several times (sometimes right out of warp) and it hasn't broken yet.It's nicely appointed like you would want and expect a tiny $10 model to be. The single light on the inside peeks out through several windows and bays. Though the light is a bit bright at first, that problem self-corrects the first time you leave it on all through dinner. I haven't done it yet, but I'll likely need to get some replacement watch batteries someday.And, how small is it? I could hide it in my hand if I was in a pinch - and I am not a basketball player, by any stretch. The quality is nice. The construction is solid. The detailing is fine. And, I really like it. Did they get all the bits to scale? To the average Joe, they did. To the nit-picker the skinny nacelles are just the start. But, dude, this is $10 - and a toy!Let's get back to my desk armada. I dispatch the fleet every so often on perilous, micro adventures to pass the time. The USS Vengeance attacks, the NX-01 banks in to rescue this ship or that. And, now, the USS Enterprise engages to rescue or destroy or just pass the time. And with it's light up super-power, she's a force to be reckoned with.Is it nice? You bet. Is it worth it? Dude, it's $10 - I spend that on breakfast burritos. Should you get it? Well, you need to ask yourself - is your personal fleet short the TOS representative? Are you in need of a Constitution class starship to decorate your den, or light up a corner during a party? Do you have a vessel to rescue those in peril? If "yes" then, yes.Desktop Enterprise This is a nice little Enterprise which fits just about anywhere. Before I bought it, I was curious about what the lighting looked like. But it was difficult to find any images. Now that I have this in-hand, I've uploaded some images with the light turned on.The engines and secondary hull do not have lights. But the head of the nacelles are made of a semi-transparent plastic which catches the light very well.The booklet packs some good info for being so small.All in all this is a really great deal for twelve dollars. Let's hope they do a light up Klingon D7 next!Here's the pics:http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-media/product-gallery/0762449896Its small! When I first got the box, my reaction was...OMG, this thing is small! And it is too. I took it out and assembled it, and like the other reviewer noticed right away the nacelles would not light up and I have to say it fell below my expectations. I guess I thought it was bigger, but shame on me for not reading the description...from the picture it looked like the box was DVD sized, but its much smaller. However, as I lit it up and placed it on my desk and really started looking closely at it...I am simply amazed at the detail, the effect of the lights is superb (and yes, there are lights projecting back from the saucer which make the nacelles glow nicely from the reflection when it is very dark). In all, I am really pleased I purchased this and for $11 I'm very glad I did!--I give it 5 stars after owning it a bit.
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Tags: 0762449896 pdf,Star Trek pdf,Light-Up Starship Enterprise (Miniature Editions) pdf,Chip Carter,Star Trek: Light-Up Starship Enterprise (Miniature Editions),Running Press Miniature Editions,0762449896,Craft and Collectibles,Films, cinema,General,HUMOR / General,Non-Classifiable,Novelty
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